Washington Technology’s Fast Fifty 2008 - 2010
Recognized as one of the fastest growing small businesses for our sustained growth over the past five years.
Washington Technology’s Fast Fifty 2008 - 2010
Recognized as one of the fastest growing small businesses for our sustained growth over the past five years.

DiversityBusiness.com Top 500 Asian American Owned Small Business in the United States
Recognized on the 9th Annual listing of diversity owned businesses.

DiversityBusiness.com Top 100 Diversity Owned Small Business in Virginia
Recognized on the 9th Annual listing of diversity owned businesses.

VirginiaBusiness.com Top 50 Fantastic Businesses in Virginia
Recognized on the Annual listing of Virginia businesses.
Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America
This prestigious list of the nation's most successful private companies has become the hallmark of entrepreneurial success and the place where future household names first make their mark.

Celebrating Boldness in Business.
The Moxie Award program is a night full of celebration and connections, honoring the accomplishments and achievements of growing businesses, nonprofits and associations in the DC metro community.
Organizations are recognized for having demonstrated boldness and innovation as an integral part of their growth strategy. These outstanding organizations not only help make the DC metro area a great place to do business, but also an incredible place to live, thrive and play.
HCI | integrated solutions were a finalist in the inaugural 2017 Moxie Award under the GovCon (100-249 Employees) category.